Saturday, July 14, 2012

"Flash" available free on Smashwords

You can download “Flash” free from Smashwords. It is a short story for 8-12 year-olds, set in Kingston, Jamaica in 2008. Abandoned by his father, his mother in prison, 10-year-old Flash has a rough life. His only talent is that he can run fast, hence his nick-name. He lives with his grandmother in a depressed part of the city. When Weesie, the local gang leader tries to recruit him, Grandma sends him to live with his aunt in a nearby community. Flash and his cousin begin their summer holidays getting into all sorts of mischief, but when the Olympic Games begin, they are thrilled to watch the Jamaican athletes on television. Inspired by Usain Bolt, Flash finds renewed hope for the future and motivation to turn his life around.
I wrote this story a few years ago, but with the 2012 Olympics soon to start in London, it has become relevant once more. It may help to explain to non-Jamaicans how desperately important the achievements of our athletes are to this country.

"Flash" won a silver medal and Best Short Story Writer in the Jamaica Cultural Development Creative Writing Contest 2010.

1 comment:

  1. FLASH is a wonderful story and will really resonate with kids who idolize Olympic athletes! What luck to find it as a free download as Smashwords!
