Wednesday, July 18, 2012

1 Love Medusa Reunion Donate Books

    A group of friends, originally from Montego Bay, gathered here with their families, for a week of activities to celebrate Jamaica 50. The name of their reunion group, “1 Love Medusa”, is derived from a disco named Medusa which they operated in the 1970’s. Now most of them are living abroad from Texas to Canada. During their stay they enjoyed outings to Xtabi Resorts, Negril; YS Falls; and Port Antonio. In Montego Bay, they sampled gastronomic delights at Pier One, Seahorse Grill, Cornwall Beach and at homes of friends and family. They also found time for one of their favourite haunts, Doctor’s Cave Beach.

    Amidst their fun activities, they remembered the schools they attended. They decided to donate to these schools copies of my book, Delroy in the Marog Kingdom. I will give a book reading at the same time as delivering the signed books to the schools, when the new school term starts in September. Delroy in the Marog Kingdom, a fantasy/folklore chapter book for 10-15 year-olds, was judged Best Children’s Chapter Book (Readers’ Choice) by the Book Industry of Jamaica in 2011. It was chosen by the Jamaica Library Service to be used in their Summer Reading Competition 2011.
    I have now published the sequel, Delroy and the Marog Princess, as an e-book available for sampling and purchasing at Smashwords. Also available to download free at Smashwords is “Flash”, a short story for 8-12 year-olds, about a boy who was inspired by Usain Bolt. This story was awarded a silver medal and “Best Junior Short Story” in the Jamaica Cultural Development Commission’s Creative Writing Competition 2010.

If you, too, would like to donate Delroy in the Marog Kingdom to the school you attended, please email me at to make arrangements to sign your book. If you live near that school, you might prefer to donate it personally.

1 Love Medusa Reunion

In photograph, left to right

Back row: Joshua Williams, Leann Williams, Donna Delgado, Audrey Tenn, Marjorie Jones, Alistair ‘Wally’ Jones, Bobby Chin, Richard Lam.

2nd row: Michael Williams, Dawn Kelly, Helen Williams, Valerie Marshall, Cherry Wilson, Pam Morris.

Front row: Karen Lue, Dana Lue, Tiffany Chin and Kimberly; Shannon Chin, Brandon Chin.

Missing from photograph: Justin Lue, Paul Chin and Steve Chin.

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