Sunday, May 2, 2010

Recent Author Presentations

April 23rd - St. James Parish Library in celebration of Jamaica Reading Association's National Reading Week. (Photo at left). I also read from 'Happy Birthday' Jamela by Niki Daly for the younger listeners.

April 27th - Mount Alvernia Prep, to grades 5 & 6. They too were fascinated by the book trailer.

April 28th: As a volunteer with Western Union's I PLEDGE (I Promise to Lend Encouragement to Develop Growth in Education) reading programme, I took the opportunity to read Delroy to an enthusiastic grade 6 class at Barracks Road Primary School in Montego Bay. I was disappointed that so many of the books they donated to the school were Eurocentric

Sheena Gayle, Gleaner Writer was on hand to take photos and report. To read the article you can click on my link 'Gleaner, April 30, 2010'.

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